Sunday, December 27, 2009

Do you worship Satan by washing your hands and following common sense HUMAN RULES ?

Why did Jesus get upset with the Pharisees when they asked him why the desciples eat w/ filthy unwashed hands?

Whats wrong with washing your hands before you eat ??????

Mark 7

1 The Pharisees and some of the teachers of the law who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus

2 and saw some of his disciples eating food with hands that were defiled and filthy, that is, unwashed.

3 (The Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they give their hands a ceremonial washing, holding to the tradition of the elders.

4 When they come from the marketplace they do not eat unless they wash. And they observe many other traditions, such as the washing of cups, pitchers and kettles. [a])

5 So the Pharisees and teachers of the law asked Jesus, ';Why don't your disciples live according to the tradition of the elders instead of eating their food with defiled hands?';

6 He replied, ';Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written:

'; 'These people honor me with their lips,

but their hearts are far from me.

7 They worship me in vain;

their teachings are merely HUMAN RULES.' [b]

.......Do you worship Satan by washing your hands and following common sense HUMAN RULES ?
It was not about simple cleanliness- the Pharisees turned it into a ceremony (think scrubbing like a surgeon before every meal). Jesus didnt mean that it was wrong to clean up- but that it should not be part of your religion!Do you worship Satan by washing your hands and following common sense HUMAN RULES ?
There is nothing wrong with it, unless you LIKE getting sick.
They were talking about a RITUALISTIC and meaningless action of ceremonial handwashing.

It doesn't mean that they didn't ';Wash'; their hands, it just means that they didn't perform the meaningless ritual, and so were ';filthy'; in the eyes of the hypocritical religious leaders who did EVERYTHING for show.
Because Microscopes were not invented then and J.C. do not know there is such a thing as micro-organism call germs.
Unclean words are worse! Outside of personal hygene, which is not the point, he exposed the flaw of 'traditions', religious, that is.
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  • Which Rules Dishwasher or Washing Machine?

    washing machine, can u imagine hand washing EVERYTHING???Which Rules Dishwasher or Washing Machine?
    dishwasherWhich Rules Dishwasher or Washing Machine?
    washing machines def!
    Oh I don't think I could live without either, but if I had to...I would give up my dishwasher. I couldn't stand going to a laundromat.
    sex machine 2 points thanks...
    Well I would rather wash the dishes by hand than my clothes, so I am going to have to go for washing machine!
    washing machine but I can live without both. I've done it a few times.
    washing machine for sure

    i would rather have a washing machine because it is hard to wash clothes, sheets, blankets, towels etc.... by hand, and a dishwasher is nice but easy to wash by hand...........
    washing machine
    Dishwasher ...specially if she's hot :-)
    Washing machine
    Washing Machine. While it's a pain to have to wash dishes by hand. It's certainly better than banging your clothes on a rock!
    Washing Machine....I like clean clothes with minimal work, just pop in and go, dishes I can clean myself.
    washing machine
    I can deal without a dishwasher, but not a washing machine.
    Blue Bunny Ears Rock!!!!!
    my first thought was to say dishwasher (even though I don't have one) because I wash alot of dishes, but on further thought, I decided washing machine cause I have been without mine and it was no fun trying to wash loads of clothes by hand!
    thats not right........ thats like asking me the wife or the kids
    Washing machine for SURE. You could EASILY do all your dishes by hand but try banging your clothes on a rock in the middle of a stream to clean them! NO fun, I bet.
    washing machine

    Rules for washing my clothes?

    I just bought new clothes and since school is about to start, I want to wash every piece. Most of them have been on the floor, under my bed and everywhere else in the house. I've never done the laundry but I would like to try so any ideas as to how I should sort my clothes?Rules for washing my clothes?
    I usually sort my into darks and whites. I wash the darks in warm with a cool rinse and the whites in hot with a warm rinse. Never use bleach on colors unless it is specified for them. Check tags and labels to make sure all of the clothes can be dried in the dryer or even washed by a machine at all.Rules for washing my clothes?
    Sort them by color. Doing small loads if necessary. Whites and lights. Reds and oranges. Darks. I use cold wash/rinse cycles so nothing shrinks. You can put things in the dryer if they don't shrink. If you're worried about shrinking, take things out of the washer when it's done, put them in the dryer for 3 minutes (don't forget them) stay there, after three minutes take them out and hang to dry.
    Whites and other...Whites can be used in the hot wash cycle, colors should use a cold wash cycle
    Put the dark colors/denims into one load, reds/ picks into another, and whites alone (cuz if u mix colors, they'll turn into different colors red+whitre= pink). And hopefully the clothes r alittle big, cuz they might shrink.

    I want to permanently curl my hair but am worried it will go all crazy, are there any 'rules' e.g. washing?

    I just don't want to get it curled, go home sleep and wash it and then wake up to totally frizzy hair. Is there anything that shouldn't be done to fake curly hair?I want to permanently curl my hair but am worried it will go all crazy, are there any 'rules' e.g. washing?
    go to the salon and get your hair perm.. usually they will tell you to wash after 3 days so that it will stay curly... after u wash it b sure to use conditioner so it will soften.. after that remove the water but don't let ur hair dry then apply mousse, it usually give ur hair the volume u want.. and mind u don't brush ur hair d way u like it bec for sure ur hair will be damage.. actually u don't need to brush curly hair f u want u can style it using ur brush but lightly.. i got my perm b4..:D

    I hope this helps...I want to permanently curl my hair but am worried it will go all crazy, are there any 'rules' e.g. washing?
    You can't wash permed hair for 48 hours. Perming your hair strips all of the natural oils out of your hair, and shampoo does the same thing. You need at least 48 hours to build up the natural oils back into your hair. After that you can wash and condition it as normal. The stylist will tell you how to take care of it. You should be fine, if you follow the stylists instructions. Good luck!
    use moose :)

    Do you Know the Truth About AKBAR ? Government Historians have White Washing Cruelties of Islamic Rule ?

    Akbar was a Monster ( like most Islamic Rulers ) this is called ';Islamic Blood'; .A Sinster Government Propaganda to whitewash Islamic Rule in India.Visit this Website :;pa=showpage%26amp;pid=1897%26amp;page=3%26amp;

    Visit Wikipedia ( The Propaganda ):

    Do NOT TRUST School Text Books to know the TRUTH .They are Propaganda Material .

    Visit :

    Visit :

    Visit :

    Visit :

    Visit :

    Why AKBAR JODHA is being BANNED ( Not because of Just Historical Untruths ) ?

    DON'T YOUR HISTORY TEXT BOOKS , if you are interested in knowing the TRUTH.

    Indian Government is closing down Hindu Websites , that want to Speak TRUTH.They are using BOLLYWOOD

    It took lot of efforts to locate websites on AKBARDo you Know the Truth About AKBAR ? Government Historians have White Washing Cruelties of Islamic Rule ?
    yup what you said is 100% true he was a cruel and wicked man who has no respect for women when he was of 27 year old he has 5000 females for his sexual pleasure

    he used rajputs because he know one thing that it was next to imposible to conquer by power and rajputs were sentimental people so he married their female but he never given a female of mugals to rajputs

    you can read his cruel act when he conquer chitodgargh he killed 30000 innocent people and while he was in war with maharana pratap he did lot of cruelityDo you Know the Truth About AKBAR ? Government Historians have White Washing Cruelties of Islamic Rule ?
    Everything you every wanted to know about Akbar and Jodha:
    This sounds more like an answer or a statement as opposed to a Question!

    Is hard to tell whether you are against Akbar and think is a Monster or that you think he we should find out more about the truth. And appears you already know your answer.

    Why don't you tell us more about him, I am interested - don't knowmuch about Muslims rulers of Tamil areas.

    learn firstly your history stupid.

    filth armenians
    no. you make no sense.

    How/where can i find the health rules/regulations for washing state??

    it ought to be here, but i can't find them.

    this is their CONTACT US page, so you can ask the real experts.

    Cloth Diapers: What are the ';rules'; about washing them?

    How do you wash and care for yours?

    I want to use prefolds but I plan to try other ideas as well.Cloth Diapers: What are the ';rules'; about washing them?
    Always dump waste out of them and rinse them before putting into the diaper pail. Use some white vinegar in the diaper pail water to cut down odors and help to purify the diapers.

    When you wash them. Put them in the washer from the diaper pail and run them through one rinse/spin cycle.

    Wash the diapers in either hot or cold water, I prefer hot to kill bacteria, and use a good detergent that has NO fabric softeners in it and NO bleach in it and NOT one of the chemical free types either.

    Wash the diapers on the normal or heavy cycle. DO NOT uses any kind of bleach and DO NOT use any kind of fabric softener. The bleach destroys the fibers and causes the diaper to wear out. Fabric softeners coat the fibers and makes them less absorbent.

    Use a second final rinse cycle, put a cup of white vinegar in the water during the first rinse but nothing in the second, then put them in the dryer or better yet, hang them in the sun, The sun is a natural bleach and whitener. If you don't believe me, check out some blonde's hair sometime that's been to the beach a lot.

    Fold your diapers as you normally would and they are now ready for your next use.

    I applaud you for using cloth. It is best for the environment and also best for your baby.

    Good luck.Cloth Diapers: What are the ';rules'; about washing them?
    You are more than welcome, my pleasure! Report Abuse

    The ';rules'; ?

    Please wash them and let them dry before you reuse them.

    Anything specific is dependent on the person doing the washing - do whatever works for you and your baby without causing too much extra work or stress !

    Personally, I use Tide. I sometimes bleach the prefolds and pocket inserts. I don't bleach covers. I hang-dry everything, since we don't own a dryer. I do a quick cold wash, then a long hot wash, then hang them up.
    I used prefolds with my first baby and also the ones that you had to fold. I just washed them with a powdered detergentent don't use bleach. Bleach really makes them break down and not last as long. With my second baby due in Auguest I have bought the Dappie diapers that are like the prefolded but they have velcro on them so no pins are needed. My husband thought he might like those better. I am going to try them and also plan on using prefolds as a backup in a pinch. After washing your diapers hanging them outside if you can helps with removing the stains. The sunlight just does something for them. But drying in dryer is okay also. Good luck and glad you have made the decision on using cloth. :-)
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  • Does the Wash Sale rules apply if replacement shares are purchased in an IRA account?

    If I sell shares out of my brokerage account, and buy identical shares in my IRA account within 30 days, will I be able to deduct the loss that occured from the sale of the shares in my brokerage account? I can't seem to find a defnitive authoritative answer on the web. Any experts or people who have had a professional answer this please respond.Does the Wash Sale rules apply if replacement shares are purchased in an IRA account?
    Technically the answer is NO!

    But IRA transactions do NOT get reported to the IRS, so your chance of getting caught is miniscule... unless you got flagged for other reasons or extremely abused the rule in some way. There are some ways to abuse this rule in the extremes which I shall not discuss.

    The IRS has never published a direct answer to this topic either ... bunch of schmucks.Does the Wash Sale rules apply if replacement shares are purchased in an IRA account?
    Okay. Let me breakdown the Wash-Sale Rule from our bestest friends in the whole world, the IRS.

    The Wash-Sale Rule states that someone is PROHIBITED from claiming a loss on the sale of an investment when the same investment was purchased within 30 days before or after the sale date.

    Just because you sold it from one account and purchased it into another does NOT evade this rule...unless you are the Custodian of a Trust, with the Trust not in any way being in your name.

    Hope this helped.

    Sorry the IRS can be such a pain in the @$$
    No, take the loss ( on your taxes)...if you simply HAVE to buy something in the IRA, just buy a similar stock...then wait 31 days...sell it ( up a little I hope ) and buy the one you really wanted. No rules broken, results should be fairly similar...everyone's happy.
    No. Absolutely not. Look at it as a bucket of apples and a bucket of oranges. You can only offset losses and gains in taxable accounts to losses and gains in other taxable accounts. You NEVER pay cap gains (short term or longterm) in your IRA so to compare is a moot point. You only pay ordinary income on any Withdrawals from an IRA upon distribution (assuming you're over 59.5 and don't incur add'l penalties).
    I think the short answer is YES. My understanding of the wash sale rule is that you cannot claim the loss if you acquire a substantially similar position in the stock with 30 days on either side of the sale that generated the loss in ANY account that you OR A CLOSE FAMILY MEMBER (i.e. spouse, dependent child, etc.) control. (I don't think that part is technically part of the wash-sale rule, but it still excludes you from claiming the loss.)

    If that understanding is correct, it would be a very bad move to repurchase the shares in the IRA because then you would NEVER be able to claim the loss. You wouldn't be able to do it now because of the wash sale rules and you wouldn't be able to do it when you sell the shares in the IRA since the IRA is a tax-deferred account.

    Will the IRS know if you repurchase the shares in an IRA? I don't know, but I personally would not try to get away with it.

    My preferred method of taking a loss on a stock while still maintaining a position in it is usually to double my holdings when I think the stock has reached a short-term low, then wait at least 31 days and sell the original shares. That allows me to take the loss and end up with the same number of shares without violating the wash-sale rules. Of course, I do have double the risk if the stock dives during the time I have the doubled position, but if I think the stock will rise again, I'd prefer to take that risk than risk having it make a rapid rise while I'm waiting 31 days after a sale for the wash-sale clock to run out.

    Of course, it's much too late in the year to do that kind of thing now for 2007, but it's something to keep in mind in future years (and start planning for in September or October of each year).

    If you can find a similar stock (e.g. different company of equal quality in the same industry), you can buy that in any account you want to without triggering a wash-sale. You just can't buy the exact same stock.
    No. Any profits or loss's are tabulated when you start to withdraw your IRA.

    Don't make any sense to me to sell outside the IRA, and then purchase them again in an IRA. Whats the motive?

    If you looking to claim a loss from buying and selling shares in your brokerage account, you can do that without getting involved in an IRA.

    I don't think the IRA custodian notifies the IRS of any buying or selling within your IRA account. Only thing the IRS is concerned with is how much you put in on an annual basis, and how much you take out.

    If you purchase 10,000 woth of stock in an ira, and when you get ready to retire, and if the value is 75,000, and you close your IRA, you can not deduct trhe 25,000 loss.
    The quick answer is no. Here's what I found online:

    The wash sale rule and the rule for sales to related parties work together for a single purpose: to prevent you from claiming a loss deduction while maintaining uninterrupted ownership of your stock. If you aren't willing to part with the stock, you aren't eligible for the deduction. Buying replacement shares in an IRA is a gimmick designed to defeat the basic purpose of these provisions. It shouldn't work, and if the IRS position in Publication 550 is upheld, it won't.

    Good Luck

    Who made the rule that if you wore a shirt all day, went home, and washed it, you can't wear it the next day?

    This rule must have been made by somebody who had more than one shirt.Who made the rule that if you wore a shirt all day, went home, and washed it, you can't wear it the next day?
    decal makers local same shirt with change able stick on patch makes all think different shirt gets little confusing wearing all dickies bluesWho made the rule that if you wore a shirt all day, went home, and washed it, you can't wear it the next day?
    Nobody's going to beleive you wahsed it.
    Who cares!

    As long as you and the clothing are clean.

    Is it ok to pressure wash your children when they break household rules they clearly understand?

    just beat them with the hoseIs it ok to pressure wash your children when they break household rules they clearly understand?
    Only if you are a psycho.Is it ok to pressure wash your children when they break household rules they clearly understand?
    I saw that on the news also.......I live in Central Florida and there was no escaping it!

    Although I firmly believe in punishment, that was a bit excessive.
    I played the role of Cinderella to my parents for a while, lighten up Drusilla!
    Yes. If the pressure washing does not get your message across then I suggest trying the age old method of tying them to the bumper of the car and driving around the neighborhood for approximately 45 minutes.
    just keep it on a low setting

    wouldnt want to break skin
    heckkkk no.

    thats a kind of abuse.

    you shoulnt abuse your kids..

    that wont teach them anything good.

    so please dont hurt them, just ground em.
    No. It is wasting water.
    Use it on yerself first to clean yer kitty
    uggghhh when your done with that...can i borrow it?


    i have already went for a drive, sat by the lake, and screamed out the window.......and counting to ten ...well thats not

    little ol lady in the shoe..

    yup, 3 quarters at the local car wash will do the trick, already has the soap in it and everything
    quit spying on me when i am discipling my kids...LOL
    No but you are welcome to ice bath them anytime you feel necessary
    sounds like abuse to me

    just give them a spanking
    to clean up their act ?
    yeah - if they r dirty! two kids, one stone and all!
    Where in the world did you come up with this? No. That is entirely inappropriate.
    No just put them into a locked dark closet for a couple hours that might get them to change!! Im not kidding people!!
    no. the police are looking for that woman on the carwash videotape!
    How old are these children? I think you better find a different disciplinary plan! My kids are six and four and they drive me absolutely crazy sometimes with not following simple rules. We take their favorite belongings from that for punishment. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't.

    To the person who said she drives the kids far away and pretends like she is going to leave them there: that's a GREAT idea! I might try that!
    kind of drastic if you ask me.
    OMG...People actually think your serious...ANYWAYS...THANKS a bunch for the idea!!! I usually just throw them in the car drive far from home, make them get out, and pretend like I'm gonna leave them there!!!
    I was hoping to pressure wash my quiver bone in the bi+ch wrinkle.

    Wash sale rules for stock in Canada?

    I am trying to offset realized stock gains with accumulated unrealized losses before year's end.

    In the US, if you sell a stock at a loss, then buy the same stock less than 30 days later, the capital loss on the initial sale is disallowed in what is called a ';wash sale';.

    I can't find anything on the CRA website that is similar to this. Is there no such thing as a wash sale in Canada? I know the rules for buying/selling identical shares as far as how the ACB is adjusted. But is the loss allowed?


    21 Jan 2007 Buy 100 shares RY @ 51. ACB = 5100.

    19 Dec 2007 Sell 100 shares RY @ 41. ACB = 0. Loss is 1000.

    21 Dec 2007 Buy 100 shares RY @42 ACB = 4200.

    Is this correct? Wash sale rules for stock in Canada?
    It is called the ';superficial loss rule';. The loss is denied and then added to the cost base of the re-acquired shares, i.e., $5200 ($4200+$1000) for the Dec 21 shares in your case.

    Superficial losses are defined by section 54 of the Canadian Income Tax Act (ITA). If a capital loss is realized in such a way that it falls under the definition in the ITA, the loss cannot be used in the year realized but, rather, it will be added to the adjusted cost base of the property to reduce future gains or increase future losses.

    A capital loss will be defined as superficial if, during the thirty days on either side of the date of sale that triggered the loss, the taxpayer or an affiliated person (i.e. his/her spouse or a corporation controlled by the taxpayer or his/her spouse) purchased that same property, or one that is identical to that property. Also, if a “right to purchase” that same property is owned at the end of the period noted above, the loss will be deemed superficial.

    In other words, during the thirty days before and after the sale date, no purchases can be made in the property to be sold or a property that is deemed to be “identical” by the taxpayer or a person affiliated with him/her. Hence, there is a sixty-one day period of which to be aware. Further, neither the taxpayer nor an affiliated person can own a call option on that same property at the end of the sixty-one day period.

    Oregon vs. Wash, question about college football rules?

    Is intentional grounding not a rule in college football? Wash quarterback keeps throwing the ball into the ground.Oregon vs. Wash, question about college football rules?
    Not if there's a receiver in the vicinity, not if the QB is outside the tackle box, and not if the QB is spiking the ball to stop the clock. I did see one play early in that game that looked like it might be intentional grounding, but Locker was actually down and it was counted as a sack instead.Oregon vs. Wash, question about college football rules?
    i dont know but that was a great game regardless of who you wanted to win but GO DUCKS
    no. if you look at a press box close enough you'll see 3 referees tied up in a room.

    And the referees on the field have been replaced by monkeys.

    What are the rules when washing your own clothes?

    help i don't know how to wash my clothes, using a washing machine what do i need to know?What are the rules when washing your own clothes?
    You need your mum,,What are the rules when washing your own clothes?
    first of all separate your clothes by color and texture: lights, darks, towels, and jeans are how i separate my clothes. throw them in the washer and set your washer depending on how full it is with all the clothes inside. then just add the soap

    but dont let them sit in the washer for too long after they are done washing or they will end up being wrinkly and smelly.

    put them in the drier with drier sheets and set the dial depending on how wet the clothes are. DONT PUT BATHING SUITS THROUGH THE DRIER!!! some clothes shrink in the drier so it is better to let them air dry. :)
    separate your darks and lights and colors

    wash your darks in cold

    wash your lights in warm

    and wash your older colors in warm or your newer ones in cold

    when you dry your clothes and there over 50% cotton only have way dry them in the dryer then lay them out to dry
    dont wash whites with colors, dont mix lights with darks. colors use warm/cold whites use hot. make sure not to put stuff in the dryer that can shrink. any new clothes, say a new red shirt, should be washed alone first, incase of bleeding onto other items in the wash. otherwise just put in some detergent and start, nothing to it
    turn shirts inside out because thats the dirty side from being against your body all day

    darks %26amp;%26amp; whites NEED to be seperated %26amp;%26amp; if an item hasnt been washed twice its a good idea to even seperate dark colors and light colors and whites

    make sure the same number of socks go in to the washer/dryer and come out..they always disappear

    bras should be washed in one of those neted/mesh bags, hooked together, and air dryed

    other than that idk because i have a washer/dryer that you just press a button of what kind of load it is and start
    Always mix you whites and colours, or is it never mix them. Boil wash everything especially woollens, oops is it never boil wash woollens. Don't ask me I am a bloke.
    go on line and type in manuals.

    Then type in the make and model .

    Then Print it off.

    Then READ IT.

    Then act on it.
    Well I only wear them once, then wash them and I always iron them before putting them away.
    Put everything in on the hottest wash %26amp; use a whole box of powder!
    Lol yeah,a 19 year old girl who doesn't know how to use a washing machine! yeah right!
    well for starters separate your colours, darks and whites....
    you need to know how much detergent.

    and don't mix your whites with your colors
    RAOFL @ JR !!!!
    use cold water on colors and hot on white ones. use tide. and enjoy.
    i wish i knew

    washing clothes is my mums job
    My rules are I wash em, dry em, %26amp; throw them right back on the floor.
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  • Question about wash sale rules?...?

    Here's a hypothetical.

    Say I buy 700 shares of XYZ yesterday. Today I sell the 700 shares at a loss of 5%.

    Then, today, I sell short 500 shares then later today, I buy to cover at a loss of 2%.

    Then today I buy 740 shares and sell them tomorrow at a 20% loss.

    How would the wash sale rule apply to this?Question about wash sale rules?...?
    There is no wash sale effect, since all you have is losses. The wash sale rule was put in place to prevent you from selling at a loss, then buying the same stock within 30 days, expecting to make a profit. If you always lose on the stock, there is no profit to offset the losses and so the wash rule does not apply.

    What are the rules for washing hair with a perm?

    I'm in South Korea and I don't speak the language. I got a perm here, and I've heard different things about washing my hair.What are the rules for washing hair with a perm?
    48 hours with no washing is pretty much the rule of thumb. You can leave it longer if you're worried, it cant hurt.

    Other than that I think just dont pile your hair and rub it together in the shower, just wash carefully.What are the rules for washing hair with a perm?
    you should wait at least 24 hours. shampooing your hair before then will deactivate the chemicals place on your hair to make the curls.

    Whts the hand washing rule

    im afriad of germs and i wash my hands alot thinking they have germs whts the rule to washing handsWhts the hand washing rule
    No rules Sweetie! Just wash your hands whenever you feel like it!!!.Whts the hand washing rule
    You need to wash your hands for at least 15 seconds to ensure that they are free of germs. Start singing ';Happy Birthday'; when you start washing (to yourself or aloud, which ever you prefer). By the end of the song, your 15 seconds will be up and you can stop. Voila! Clean hands!
    rule of washing hands:

    wash in between and clean the dirt from undernails.

    Make sure you get your nuckles

    and take at least 2 pumps of soap in each hand if your using those soaps.

    Take the drying paper and dry your hands

    take some more and open the door then throw the paper out outside
    wet your hands, soap up, rub and sing the happy b-day song, when the song is done rinse and dry. they shold be clean when this is done. and wash them as often as you like.


    Atheists, Do you think a good rule would be that if one doesn't wish to wash the dishes, don't use them?

    I'm asking Atheists because this rule seems logical to me and illogical to my ex-inmate turned Xian little brother who is currently living on my sofaAtheists, Do you think a good rule would be that if one doesn't wish to wash the dishes, don't use them?
    I see no fallacies in your logics! Not sure your little brother can take it though.

    Tell him that he'll go to hell if he disobeys you. There must be some ruling on disobeying one's sister in the Bible ...

    EDIT: Why the heck should SHE give up the joy of using real plates when he's the one eating from them and she's probably the one who cooks?Atheists, Do you think a good rule would be that if one doesn't wish to wash the dishes, don't use them?
    It seems perfectly logical to me. However, I think I might add to that if you're not going to do the dishes, there are a million and one other things in the house that can be done as your contribution.

    For instance, in my house, I do dishes, my husband cooks and our roommate keeps the girls entertained so that we can actually get stuff done around the house. Not the greatest help, but at least he's keeping them out from under foot and away from things that can hurt them.
    Simple logic is lost on most xtians. As long as any of the commandments don't require you to be helpful, courteous, nice...etc., expect nothing. That code, from what I gather, will allow him to abuse, insult and poop on everything he chooses. The ';big guy'; will forgive him.
    yep but even more better if you can get a slave to wash your dishes for you

    Plates exist in the REAL world, and if you want them clean you have to get off your keister and wash them. The stains and dried food won't get raptured away overnight, you know.
    At first glance it seems logical, but then the thought of what 'not using them' could lead to makes me shudder. Why not just tell him to grow up?
    I would put all of the dirty dishes under the cushions in the couch.
    definately, put them under his covers
    paper and plastic baby!!
    I'm not athiest, I'm agnostic.

    But I'd kick out anyone who wasn't washing their dishes, I hate dirty people.

    Interestingly enough the worst room mate I ever had for not washing dishes was a Christian too. This is almost certainly a coincidence, but I do sympathise.

    One might end up living in the car, if one was currently living on my sofa.......but that's just me.
    I live alone, so I kinda have no choice in the matter. But yeah, it's logical. Give the fecker a good kick up the jacksie!
    seems logical to me--smile and enjoy the night-you might suggest to him that he has no worries god will provide-lol--smile and enjoy the night
    Yes, that seems reasonable. Alternatively though if one doesn't wish to wash dishes then one might also need to be willing to toss them out.

    Impractical but just a thought.
    I think it's pretty unrealistic. But then I don't mind washing dishes. What I mind is searching the house for dirty dishes that get left anywhere. I figure if they want them washed, they bring them to the kitchen, rinse them off, and stack them neatly.
    My husband is an atheist he uses dishes all the time but washes them maybe once a month.

    I think your issue in this is against men, not Christians. I am a Christian and I wash dishes three times a day.
    Seems logical and fair, as a baseline.

    However, if he is so unwilling to be helpful in the house, I suspect he is doing little to nothing towards finding a job. If this is so, it may be that he should be asked to leave and enter a half-way home where he can receive counseling and even therapy for what sounds like it might be indicitive of PTSD or clinical depression.
    Endora, would you like a little Bible Verse to use on your Christian Brother?

    My mom who was a pastor's wife, used this to get my dad and brothers to do dishes when they stated it was women's work.鈥?/a>

    13And I will stretch over Jerusalem the line of Samaria, and the plummet of the house of Ahab: and I will wipe Jerusalem as a man wipeth a dish, wiping it, and turning it upside down.

    EDIT: II Kings 21:13 in the King James Version (it is only found in that version, though) :(
    Or buy paper plates.

    Doesn't ';God'; want your brother to have a job? ;)
    Verily I say unto thee...

    ';He that does not use dishes, gets soup all over the couch.';
    I would beat him, with a stick. That is a better rule. If you don't want to get beaten, wash the dishes.
    Atheist men and their boyfriends usually take turns on who does dishes. One night its them the next night its their boyfriend

    Wash Sales Rules for Gold Coins?

    Hi All,

    Can somebody help me understand wash sales rules for Gold Coins. If I sell a 1 oz American Buffalo coin and immediately purchase a 1 oz Canadian Maple Leaf coin, do wash sales rules apply? It is still 1 oz of 24 ct gold, but is a different physical coin.Wash Sales Rules for Gold Coins?
    indispensable commodityWash Sales Rules for Gold Coins?
    Nice try but you are selling 1 oz of gold and buying 1 oz of gold. There is no substantial difference between them.

    Atheists, Do you think a good rule would be that if one doesn't wish to wash the dishes, don't use them?

    I'm asking Atheists because this rule seems logical to me and illogical to my ex-inmate turned Xian little brother who is currently living on my sofaAtheists, Do you think a good rule would be that if one doesn't wish to wash the dishes, don't use them?
    I see no fallacies in your logics! Not sure your little brother can take it though.

    Tell him that he'll go to hell if he disobeys you. There must be some ruling on disobeying one's sister in the Bible ...

    EDIT: Why the heck should SHE give up the joy of using real plates when he's the one eating from them and she's probably the one who cooks?Atheists, Do you think a good rule would be that if one doesn't wish to wash the dishes, don't use them?
    It seems perfectly logical to me. However, I think I might add to that if you're not going to do the dishes, there are a million and one other things in the house that can be done as your contribution.

    For instance, in my house, I do dishes, my husband cooks and our roommate keeps the girls entertained so that we can actually get stuff done around the house. Not the greatest help, but at least he's keeping them out from under foot and away from things that can hurt them.
    Simple logic is lost on most xtians. As long as any of the commandments don't require you to be helpful, courteous, nice...etc., expect nothing. That code, from what I gather, will allow him to abuse, insult and poop on everything he chooses. The ';big guy'; will forgive him.
    yep but even more better if you can get a slave to wash your dishes for you

    Plates exist in the REAL world, and if you want them clean you have to get off your keister and wash them. The stains and dried food won't get raptured away overnight, you know.
    At first glance it seems logical, but then the thought of what 'not using them' could lead to makes me shudder. Why not just tell him to grow up?
    I would put all of the dirty dishes under the cushions in the couch.
    definately, put them under his covers
    paper and plastic baby!!
    I'm not athiest, I'm agnostic.

    But I'd kick out anyone who wasn't washing their dishes, I hate dirty people.

    Interestingly enough the worst room mate I ever had for not washing dishes was a Christian too. This is almost certainly a coincidence, but I do sympathise.

    One might end up living in the car, if one was currently living on my sofa.......but that's just me.
    I live alone, so I kinda have no choice in the matter. But yeah, it's logical. Give the fecker a good kick up the jacksie!
    seems logical to me--smile and enjoy the night-you might suggest to him that he has no worries god will provide-lol--smile and enjoy the night
    Yes, that seems reasonable. Alternatively though if one doesn't wish to wash dishes then one might also need to be willing to toss them out.

    Impractical but just a thought.
    I think it's pretty unrealistic. But then I don't mind washing dishes. What I mind is searching the house for dirty dishes that get left anywhere. I figure if they want them washed, they bring them to the kitchen, rinse them off, and stack them neatly.
    My husband is an atheist he uses dishes all the time but washes them maybe once a month.

    I think your issue in this is against men, not Christians. I am a Christian and I wash dishes three times a day.
    Seems logical and fair, as a baseline.

    However, if he is so unwilling to be helpful in the house, I suspect he is doing little to nothing towards finding a job. If this is so, it may be that he should be asked to leave and enter a half-way home where he can receive counseling and even therapy for what sounds like it might be indicitive of PTSD or clinical depression.
    Endora, would you like a little Bible Verse to use on your Christian Brother?

    My mom who was a pastor's wife, used this to get my dad and brothers to do dishes when they stated it was women's work.鈥?/a>

    13And I will stretch over Jerusalem the line of Samaria, and the plummet of the house of Ahab: and I will wipe Jerusalem as a man wipeth a dish, wiping it, and turning it upside down.

    EDIT: II Kings 21:13 in the King James Version (it is only found in that version, though) :(
    Or buy paper plates.

    Doesn't ';God'; want your brother to have a job? ;)
    Verily I say unto thee...

    ';He that does not use dishes, gets soup all over the couch.';
    I would beat him, with a stick. That is a better rule. If you don't want to get beaten, wash the dishes.
    Atheist men and their boyfriends usually take turns on who does dishes. One night its them the next night its their boyfriend
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  • Wash Sales Rules for Gold Coins?

    Hi All,

    Can somebody help me understand wash sales rules for Gold Coins. If I sell a 1 oz American Buffalo coin and immediately purchase a 1 oz Canadian Maple Leaf coin, do wash sales rules apply? It is still 1 oz of 24 ct gold, but is a different physical coin.Wash Sales Rules for Gold Coins?
    indispensable commodityWash Sales Rules for Gold Coins?
    Nice try but you are selling 1 oz of gold and buying 1 oz of gold. There is no substantial difference between them.

    As a day trader, how can i excempt myself from wash- sale rules, & how can I elect mark to market w/ IRS?

    Yes, you can accomplish both (no wash sale and elect mark-to-market) by making a Section 475(f) election. The election can only be made if you qualify as a trader in securities (many firms use a threshold of a portfolio turnover rate of 4 times per year). For the election, see instructions to IRS Form 4797 at

    The downside is that you lose capital gain treatment which probably won't matter much as long as you don't normally hold securities longer than one year.As a day trader, how can i excempt myself from wash- sale rules, %26amp; how can I elect mark to market w/ IRS?
    Don't bother, day trading is stupid. If you like high risk and negative returns, at least have some fun losing your money and go to Vegas!As a day trader, how can i excempt myself from wash- sale rules, %26amp; how can I elect mark to market w/ IRS?
    You must contact the IRS, as there are very strict guidelines to be a day trader. Must trade every day. is necessary to get approval 1 800 829 1040

    when you are qualified then you can deduct many more expenses...

    good luck

    What are the rules to carry lipgloss, face wash, perfume etc in the carryon or cabin luggage?

    It would be great if someone can explain clearly or reference a good website as i heard my frens losing their fav perfumes to the trashcan at the airport.

    Thanks!What are the rules to carry lipgloss, face wash, perfume etc in the carryon or cabin luggage?
    You need to follow the 3-1-1 rule for liquids. 3 ozs or less of liquid in a container. 1 quart size zip lock bag. 1 bag per passenger. You can put as many items that will fit comfortable in the 1 zip lock. The rest has to go in checked luggage. Here is a site that will give you additional info

    have fun trip

    sWhat are the rules to carry lipgloss, face wash, perfume etc in the carryon or cabin luggage?
    I would advise you not to bring anything onboard other than the very barest necessities. Surely you can last through a flight without perfume and face wash. When I traveled a month ago, I packed everything into my luggage and only carried on some air sickness medication, travel papers, passport, cell phone and keys.
    There is a 3-1-1 rule. You can carry on three 100 ml. (3.4oz) bottles of liquid as long as they're in a one gallon clear zip-lock bag.

    I suggest you sign onto any airline website and go to the baggage restrictions area of the site to check any updates before you travel. This is an excerpt from the site:

    ';. . .Customers traveling from the U.S. and Canada may take with them in their cabin bag limited quantities of liquids, gels, and aerosols, including travel-size toiletries such as shampoo, suntan lotion, creams, toothpaste, hair gel and hair spray.

    Liquids must be carried in individual containers no larger than 3.4 ounces/100 ml.

    All liquid containers must be carried in a separate clear plastic, zip-top bag (see example at right) that does not exceed 8 inches x 8 inches (20 cm x 20 cm) or is quart size. Items must fit in the bag comfortably and the bag must be completely closed.

    At the security checkpoint, the plastic bag must be removed from the cabin bag and x-ray screened separately.

    Customers carrying liquids in their cabin bags may be subject to secondary searches before boarding. . .';

    There are other rules for traveling to UK.
    all liquid requirements for carry on luggage.

    Must be in clear plastic bag subject for separate inspection by TSA. No liquids or gels exceeding 3.5 oz. All liquids and gels purchased in the concourse area are permitted in the cabin.
    If you google or use Yahoo search rules for comes up with a ton of info..if you know which airline your going on go to their website. Last I heard everything liquid had tio be in 3 ounce or less for carry on so if you need more put it in your checked luggage in a ziploc bag. goodluck
    Went on a long trip recently, and have several friends who fly often. Best to put all in luggage and not worry about it, it is too much of a pain to carry on, yes they will take lip gloss. Most flights are not bad to go on w/o stuff, and if you are that worried about stuff in luggage, buy travel size, then you are not out that much.

    When I went, I just bought the stuff I needed at my destination then left it with friend when I left so I didn't have to go through hassle of it traveling.
    the rules vary for individual airlines so each airline should have their own guidelines posted on their websites. Better yet, before/after booking a flight, just call ahead to see what the airline allows. I understand your frustration. Do you have a specific airline you're asking about?

    This website might be helpful, or at least direct you to one that is....
    oh liquids of any kind!!!!unless you bought it in the airport after having your carry on bags checked.nothing that is remotely like liquid!!!!

    What is the rule for washing hands?

    It has been proven that people who wash their hands a lot do not get the same amount of colds, flu, tummy upsets etc. Obviously you don't want to get obsessive about this and end up like Howard Hughes terrified of germs. Another tip, when washing your hands, don't forget your thumbs. A lot of people do. Was told this in hospital!What is the rule for washing hands?
    i heard that you are supposed to wash your hands for as long as singing the Happy Birthday Song like seven times? hahah. but i know you are just supposed to scrub under your nails, scrub your knuckles and your palms and yea thats pretty much it. hope this helps! =]]

    answer my question pleaseee.;_ylt=AjoH9UE.hal6BhhVtuzcRebsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080622023631AAnDg2mWhat is the rule for washing hands?
    What are you talking about? You should wash your hands often especially after using the restroom or handling questionable items like shoes, garbage, etc.
    Make sure you scrub under your nails, and wash all the way up to your wrists.

    Please answer my question;鈥?/a>
    Sing the happy birthday song to your self slowly and wash yourb arms as well
    start with cold water %26amp; soap lather as long as it takes to say the alphabet. the cold water keeps yours pores closed while dirt is removed rinse in warm and air dry or pat dry.
    Rule number 1. Always wash your hands before touching my food or shaking my hand.

    There that about covers it.
    Only wash them when they're dirty. If you're too clean you always get sick.

    So according to wash sales rules, it is possible for a trader....?

    to have made an income of $1M when in fact he really lost $800K and will ultimately wind up owing taxes on all $1M?

    That can't be true?So according to wash sales rules, it is possible for a trader....?
    Based on previous posts, you are not a day trader.

    If you were a trader, the next question would be whether or not you had made the mark-to-market election. No election, then gains get reported and wash sale losses are postponed until the loss is actually reportable on your taxes.

    Any sane investor would know their position and ';harvest'; those losses before 12/31 by selling some or all of the stock. (By definition, a day trader doesn't keep inventory.)So according to wash sales rules, it is possible for a trader....?
    Traders aren't subject to the wash sale rules. You have to be a true trader for that to be the case and the IRS has a definition for trader. It includes devoting the majority of your work time, etc.
    sure ... it is possible

    all he needs is to have 1.8 million of losses disallowed by the wash sale rules.

    of course, he'll recognize the 1.8 million in losses the next year -- but that's cold comfort


    you're a trader as a business [and thus avoid the rule] in the eyes of the IRS only if you filed the appropriate form to request that status. And they aren't recently generous about allowing you to convert from a different status for a continuing activity. [ouch]

    When my bf comes home drunk & wants to take a shower, he has a Golden Rule: ';Dont wash the soles of your feet';?

    is my bf hormal? help!When my bf comes home drunk %26amp; wants to take a shower, he has a Golden Rule: ';Dont wash the soles of your feet';?
    Assuming that your boyfriend turns the water on when he gets into the shower, how on earth is he going to avoid washing the soles of his feet?! Are they not going to get wet and washed anyway?! Lol.When my bf comes home drunk %26amp; wants to take a shower, he has a Golden Rule: ';Dont wash the soles of your feet';?
    The guy is normal but lacks assistance. Go to hardware store.

    Buy him soft green nylon bristled brush on 4 inch diameter disk

    and 24 inch long plastic handle that fits same. Then he can use

    lather from bar soap to wash lower limbs while standing and his

    spine also from nape to where the sun never shines.
    Dumbass question. We don't care. They are only feet, big deal. And this isn't really funny either.
    define ';hormal';
    He's definitely something. ----------
    I have never heard of that. Why wouldn't he wash the soles of his feet? does he think his toes will fall off if he gets rid of the toe jam?
    Ugh! no he is not hormal...
    No hes not!! And you know that!!!

    Do you really have a bf? I think you should leave him.. Hes a weirdo
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  • Can I claim capital gains loss on options trading or wash sale rule apply?

    I traded stock options many times often within 30 days, each time taking a bigger loss; Say I BUYcall options for TM(toyota) sell within 30 days, rebuy within 30 days (different strike price different expiration date), each time taking a loss.. Can i take a capital gain loss or does the Wash Sale rule apply??. I read somewhere the wash sale rule would apply for the 1st trade BUT that this DISALLOWED LOSS could be applied towards my COST BASIS of my next stock or stock option purchase of identical stock ?? Can i claim a capital claim loss on the 2nd or 3rd time i traded that particular stock option and took a loss or can i only use it to any future capital gain in future years?? ThanksCan I claim capital gains loss on options trading or wash sale rule apply?
    %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;Can I claim capital gains loss on options trading or wash sale rule apply?%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

    The wash sale rules apply to options trading if and only if the replacement position is ';substantially identical'; to the position closed for a loss.

    %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;I traded stock options many times often within 30 days, each time taking a bigger loss; Say I BUYcall options for TM(toyota) sell within 30 days, rebuy within 30 days (different strike price different expiration date), each time taking a loss.. Can i take a capital gain loss or does the Wash Sale rule apply?%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

    You have to determine if the option purchased is ';substantially identical'; to the one sold. As of the last time I researched the issue, some years ago, the IRS had not issued any rulings to help clarify that term.

    %26lt;%26lt;%26lt; I read somewhere the wash sale rule would apply for the 1st trade BUT that this DISALLOWED LOSS could be applied towards my COST BASIS of my next stock or stock option purchase of identical stock ?? %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

    When a wash sale occurs the loss is used to adjust the cost basis of the replacement position.

    %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;Can i claim a capital claim loss on the 2nd or 3rd time i traded that particular stock option and took a loss or can i only use it to any future capital gain in future years??%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

    Every time you have a wash sale you adjust the cost basis of the replacement securities. You end up getting the benefit of the loss(es) as soon as you are out of ';substantially identical'; securities for a 31 day period. That can be in the same year or in a future year.

    For more information on wash sales see the articles at鈥?/a>

    including the pages on ';Wash Sales and Options';鈥?/a>

    and ';Substantially Identical Securities';鈥?/a>

    How does the wash sales rule work on stock dividends?

    I'm doing my taxes for 2008 and found this part really confusing.

    I bought a stock in 2007 (in two separate transactions) and reinvest my dividends. I sold them all in December 2008 to realize a loss for tax purpose. Now the last dividend was reinvested within a month before I sold the stock. I supposed that's what triggered the wash sale rule. Here's the basis for all my transactions from Fidelity:

    (shares / date acquired / date sold / proceeds / basis / gain or loss)

    Long term

    45 10/15/2007 12/3/2008 323.03 2089.95 -1766.92

    Wash Sale 0 -23.95 23.95

    0.61 10/15/2007w 12/8/2008 4.44 27.04 -22.6

    55 11/5/2007 12/3/2008 394.82 2002.7 -1607.88

    0.71 11/21/2007 12/3/2008 5.1 24.3 -19.2

    Short term

    2.719 11/26/2008 12/3/2008 19.52 13.75 5.77

    1.253 2/22/2008 12/3/2008 8.99 32.23 -23.24

    1.435 5/23/2008 12/3/2008 10.3 32.63 -22.33

    1.883 8/22/2008 12/3/2008 13.52 33.09 -19.57

    The questionable items are the second and third items under long-term. The rest are fine. So the questions are:

    1. Where does the 0.61 shares (item 3 under long term) came from? I didn't buy that. I suppose it is related to the wash sales but the basis and the share count don't look like an exact match from other transactions.

    2. Where did the wash sales (23.95) amount came from?

    3. The last dividend was sold as a gain. Why did it trigger the wash sales calculation? I thought wash sales rule applies to loss only.

    4. If I have all my shares of this stock closed out, shouldn't the wash sales rule cause no difference in my total gain/loss? The two items added by the wash sales rule calculation do not even out.

    Thanks a lot!How does the wash sales rule work on stock dividends?
    The reinvested dividends trigger the wash sale rules. If the money bought .61 shares, you cannot deduct the loss on .61 shares.

    The loss is deferred by adding it to the cost basis of the new shares--so when these are sold, they loss is taken then.

    I do not have the time to put these in first in/first out order.

    To see if you have the total gain/loss correct, do your own math separate from these imported values and see if you have the correct gain/loss. There is a chance that the wash sale wasn't added to the cost basis of the replacement stock.

    Question on the wash sale rule for stocks. (Scenarios)?

    Given a few different scenarios can I claim the loss??

    Scenario A)

    I understand that if i buy a share of stock for $100 and then sell it for $90 five days later that I can not claim the loss.

    Scenario B)

    But what about if I buy a share of stock for $100 and 3 months later I sell it for $90. Then I buy back the same stock 5 days later for $91. Can I claim that $10 loss?

    Scenario C)

    How about if I buy a share of stock for $100 and then 2 months later I sell it for $120. I realize I would owe the capital gain tax here. But what if I buy it back 5 days later at $122 and then sell it 3 months later for $80? Can I claim the $42 tax loss here?

    (This one is really tricky to me)

    Can someone tell me what my losses that I can claim are for each scenario?

    thank you.Question on the wash sale rule for stocks. (Scenarios)?
    A. False. You have a short term loss. Unless you buy a substantially identical share of stock within 30 days either way of the sale, other than the original purchase, you are safe.

    B. No, the wash sale rule applies here since you bought a substantially identical stock within 30 days. Your loss is limited to $9

    C. You'll realize a loss on the second sale since there was more than 30 days between the first sale (with a gain) and the second purchase. The loss will offset the gain on the first block for a net loss of $22. The wash sale rule does not apply.Question on the wash sale rule for stocks. (Scenarios)?
    A. You understand wrong - you'd have a short term loss.

    B. This is what's called a wash sale - you sold at a loss, then bought the same stock right back. You don't claim the loss on the sale, but that rolls into your basis on the newly acquired stock so that would become $81 - this assumes of course that you bought back the same number of shares that you sold.

    C. They are separate transactions and don't affect each other - it's not a wash sale because the first sale was a gain not a loss. Yes, you claim the gain on the first sale, then claim the loss on the second.

    Wash Sale Rule - 60 days?

    30 days before? What happens in this scenario-

    6/24 Buy 100 XYZ

    6/24 Sell 100 XYZ no loss (profit)

    7/3 Buy 100 XYZ

    7/3 Sell 100 XYZ no loss (profit)

    7/4 Buy 100 XYZ

    7/4 Sell 100 XYZ at a loss

    no more purchases of XYZ

    SO in the 7/4 loss does the 30 days before apply?

    Which means I cannot take a loss?

    And does the loss get added backward to the second purchase's cost basis?Wash Sale Rule - 60 days?
    it all gets added together at tax time; these are all short-term positions.

    you have three sales, three rows of form 1040 schedule d entries, one net result.Wash Sale Rule - 60 days?
    The rule is you can't buy replacement shares.

    The purchases on 6/24 and 7/3 were already sold and assigned to other transactions so you can't assign the loss to them.

    You take the loss.

    Wash Sale Rule Question? Please Help?

    Does the wash sale rule still apply if you have not traded any stocks in December 08 and January 09. Example: I traded ETFC, plus others, multiple times throughout January - June, but have not traded since. Would the wash sale rule still apply to my profit/loss basis? By the way, I do not own any stock at this time.

    I have read on different websites that if you do not have any open positions in the month of December 08 and January 09, the rule would not apply. I hope you understand the question because I did some reassurance. Scared to death about filing taxes this year. ThanksWash Sale Rule Question? Please Help?
    Technically, it still applies.

    However, since it does not make any difference in your tax computation, no one (not even the IRS) cares if you apply it or not.

    I know of one day trader who always takes off the entire month of December (holding no positions for ove 31 days) to make sure he does not have to worry about wash sales.Wash Sale Rule Question? Please Help?
    The wash sale rule will apply for any trades that you did between Jan - June (eg buying ETFC within a month of selling it during that time). However, it will not come into effect if you take more that a month off. For example if you were to buy ETFC in Feb 09, you do not have to worry about any sales made from Dec 09 being counted against you. (I'm assuming you want to take a tax loss and make sure it won't effect your new position in that stock).

    Wash Sales Rule- using multiple brokerages?

    Does the Wash Sales Rule apply if:

    The purchases and sales were made with 2 different firms?


    Buy XYZ on 7/1 using Fidelity.

    Sell XYZ on 7/3 at a loss using Fidelity.

    Buy XYZ on 7/2 using Tradestation.

    Sell XYZ on 7/5 using Tradestation.

    I understand that your loss may be disallowed if a person/entity related to you make a purchase (for example an IRA).

    However aren't the shares specifically identified because they are held within two different accounts with two different firms?Wash Sales Rule- using multiple brokerages?
    The shares being identified doesn't change the law. It doesn't matter where your trade. If you bought stock somewhere within 30 days, your loss cannot be recognized. The law recently changed requiring brokerage firms to report cost basis data on stocks to the IRS. I am not sure of the start date, but I think it is in effect now for 2009 tax reporting. This will make for more accurate tax reporting hence forth.Wash Sales Rule- using multiple brokerages?
    still disallowed. The wash sale rule is ultimately your responsibiliy. using different firms simply makes it completely your fault when you get caught.
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  • Wash Sales Rule - investments in multiple firms.?

    Does the Wash Sales Rule apply if:

    The purchases and sales were made with 2 different firms?


    Buy XYZ on 7/1 using Fidelity.

    Sell XYZ on 7/3 at a loss using Fidelity.

    Buy XYZ on 7/2 using Tradestation.

    Sell XYZ on 7/5 using Tradestation.

    I understand that your loss may be disallowed if a person/entity related to you make a purchase (for example an IRA).

    However aren't the shares specifically identified because they are held within two different accounts with two different firms?Wash Sales Rule - investments in multiple firms.?
    It does not matter if you use the same house or not, you bought after a loss within the timeframe, it is a wash sale.

    Helen, EA in PAWash Sales Rule - investments in multiple firms.?
    If it's the same class of shares in the same company, it doesn't matter what broker or method of sale you use, it's still subject to the wash sale rule.

    Monday, December 21, 2009

    Wash Sales Rule _ Can you or Can you Not Identify shares?

    Your Question

    Wash Sales _ Multiple Firms?

    I need a definitive answer, I keep getting different responses.

    People say that you can/cannot identify shares to avoid the wash sale....which is it??


    Purchase XYZ 10/1 via Firm A

    Purchase XYZ 10/2 via Firm B

    Sell XYZ purchased from Firm A at a loss.

    Still holding shares from firm B.

    I understand that if this was all done with the same brokerage it would typically be a Wash Sale because I did not Identify the shares being sold.

    BUT...since this is a different brokerage, technically aren't the shares identified???

    For reference read section ';4:OLD Shares'; on this page- Sales Rule _ Can you or Can you Not Identify shares?
    %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;Can you or Can you Not Identify shares?%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

    If all your shares are held in one account you can identify which shares you want to sell from that account using the procedure outlined at鈥?/a>

    The identification process is separate from the wash sale rule.

    %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;People say that you can/cannot identify shares to avoid the wash sale....which is it??%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

    You can, in some circumstances, identify shares to avoid a wash sale. In the example you gave, you would not avoid a wash sale. Here is an example of how you could avoid a wash sale with all the shares in one account:

    Purchase 100 shares of XYZ for $1,000 on 10/1.

    Purchase 100 shares of XYZ for $800 on 10/2.

    If, later in October, you sold 100 shares of XYZ for $900 you would have a wash sale if you sold the shares purchased 10/1 buy you would not have a wash sale if you sold the shares purchased 10/2. (If you sold the shares purchased 10/2 you would not have a loss so you would not have a wash sale.) If you sold the shares purchased 10/1 you would have a loss and consequently you would have a wash sale. This is true if all the shares are held at one firm or if the are split between two firms.

    %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;since this is a different brokerage, technically aren't the shares identified???%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

    Common sense tells me that firm A cannot sell shares held by firm B so if you sell using firm A you would be selling shares held by firm A and not shares held by firm B, so you should not need to specify that you are selling shares held by firm A. I am fairly sure that is correct, but I am not a professional and I have never read anything written by a professional addressing that specific question.

    If you want a more definitive answer I recommend you repeat the question on the Fairmark message board, where tax professionals answer questions.Wash Sales Rule _ Can you or Can you Not Identify shares?
    MSC is incorrect. Wash sales are ONLY affected in the account where the original trade took place. If you have a retail account and have a wash sale, you can buy the stock immediately of you want in say an IRA account. The plating on the account MUST be different. Accounts are not ';grouped'; for wash Report Abuse

    One cannot identify wash sales on stocks at multiple firms or in multiple accounts. Wash sales are ONLY calculated for in TAXABLE ACCOUNTS. Report Abuse

    It doesn't matter if you use one broker or two. For the purpose of determining wash sales, all of your accounts (and your spouse's accounts) should be grouped together as if they were one.

    But you can identify which shares you're selling, and that might determine whether you're selling at a profit or a loss. That's why brokers only report sales to the IRS, and not purchases, because it's up to you to match up the buys and the sells.

    I see your confusion about the link you posted. But again, it doesn't matter how many brokers you have. It's all about how you write your Schedule D. If you use TurboTax or Gainskeeper to handle the details, you should be able to avoid the headache, and then as long as you're not purposely trying to avoid taxes, it shouldn't be a problem.
    The wash sale actually comes into effect when you purchase shares after you have previously sold them not before. You can specify exactly which shares you wished to sell even when they are held by the same broker. That comes into play possibly under several different scenarios. One would be that selling one lot would result in a loss whereas selling another lot would result in a gain. Another would be where selling one lot would result in a short term gain and selling another a long term gain.

    Wash Sales Rule - 3 purchases in one week.?

    I understand the basics of the rule but I'm confused about this scenario:

    Within 30 days

    3 separate purchases of the same stock.

    The first 2 result in losses.

    Purchase #1 loss = cannot take loss, move cost basis to #2.

    But since #2 is also a loss does that mean it moves to purchase #3?

    I understand that the holding time of the 1st purchase is added to the 2nd, but in this scenario ALL 3 purchases are still within 30 days.Wash Sales Rule - 3 purchases in one week.?
    Yes, that is correct. When done, the first two sales result in no taxable gain or loss and all will be recognized at the time of the third sale, assuming there are no further purchases within 30 days of the third sale.Wash Sales Rule - 3 purchases in one week.?
    The number of purchases don't matter, and each purchase is considered on its own.

    You don't mention selling any of the stock, or if so, when it was sold. Only a sale, not a purchase, can generate a wash sale.

    A wash sale occurs if you sell stock and a loss, and within 30 days before or after the sale, you buy or otherwise acquire substantially identical stock.

    In your scenario above, if you SOLD the stock purchased in the first 2 purchases in that same 30 days, or within 30 days of the next purchase, yes you'd end up with the two losses rolled into the basis of the third lot.

    I'm not sure what you are saying in your last sentence. Holding time is something unrelated to the wash sale rule. You could have stock that you had held for 50 years - if you sold it at a loss then rebought it within 30 days, it would still be a wash sale.
    what are you talking about?

    Wash Sale rule on brief trades?

    I get the basic concept of the wash sale rule but I am getting tripped up by the fact that it includes shares purchased within 30 days before the sale. This seems to imply that the wash sale rule applies to quick trades.

    Specifically - If I buy 100 shares on Day #1 and sell all 100 shares on Day #20 for a loss I'm thinking that I should be able to claim that loss without the wash sale rule. But the wording of the rule seems to indicate that I can not claim the loss because the purchase was less than 30 days prior.

    In this example - there is one buy and one sell. I did not repurchase the shares again after the sale. I understand how the wash sale would effect re-purchased shares.Wash Sale rule on brief trades?
    We are talking about one same stock here.

    1 buy and 1 sale for a loss within 30 days is not a Wash Sale. However if you continue with another buy within 30 days of your last sale at a loss, then this becomes a Wash Sale.

    You can claim a loss on your above transaction, and as a short term loss. But if you buy the same stock within 30 days of your last loss sale than this is a wash sale. You cannot claim loss on this transaction; some brokerage firm will even freeze your trading account for the next1-2 months.Wash Sale rule on brief trades?
    The wash sale rules do not apply if you do NOT continue to own the stock.

    The 30 days before rule was added to close a loophole (and the wash sale rules are decades old)--this prevented sellers from buying 100 shares on Day #1, decide to sell and take a loss on Day #500 and then to avoid the wash sale rules, try to sneak in the repurchase by doing it on day #499 just before selling the first lot of stock.

    Wash Sale Rule - Please Help Me Understand?

    I have asked this question before and have not received an answer to it. If you day trade (Buy and Sell) ETFC numerous times throughout the months of Jan-June, but did not trade the stock for the rest of the year, would there be wash sales? All trades were completed within 30 days of one another. Sometimes in the same day. I have heard if you don't trade in that particular stock for 30 days or, just don't trade in December or January, the trades would not be considered wash sales at the end of the year. By the way, I have no open positions in any stocks, and have decided not to trade in January at all. (No stock trading or future contracts)

    Also, I did not trade just ETFC, but numerous others as well. CFC, MSFT, and so forth....

    I have not traded in any stocks since June 08, but have started trading future emini contracts (ES, NQ, YM). I was a newbie and did not know about the wash sale rule. Now I'm nervous about filing taxes.Wash Sale Rule - Please Help Me Understand?
    The wash sale rules apply if you make a loss on the sale of any security and also purchased the same security withing 30 days before or after the sale.

    Example: On January 20, I buy 100 shares of company X. On February 5, I sold those 100 shares of company X at a loss. If I have any other purchases of Company X between January 7 (30 days before February 5) and March 6 (30 days after February 5), then I have a wash sale.

    You then add the a part or all of loss on the February 5 sales to the cost of the other purchase of Company X stock to get its cost basis.

    The wash sale rules are supposed to be used to report gain/loss on trading, although if you can prove that not following them had no impact on the reported result, there would be no consequence. However, not following the wash sales rules will usually impact the reported gains or losses during the year.

    One situation where failure to follow the wash sale rules for a stock will not have an impact on your reported gains or losses is:

    (1) You held none of the stock on January 1 of the year and bought none of it in December the year before.

    (2) You held none of the stock on December 31 of the year and bought none of it in January the year after.

    Richard K

    Master tax Advisor

    HR Block

    This advice was based upon my understanding of the law in effect at the time it was written as it applies to the facts provided by you. See my profile for more infromation.

    Wash sale rule questions?

    so this year, i bought and sell ten of my chosen stocks over and over again, some times profit, and sometimes loss. Today, i liquidated all my positions (i don't' have any position now). My questions are: is it true that i can't buy the any of those ten stocks within next 31 days so i can avoid wash sale? is it ok and not trigger wash sale rule if i buy different stocks other then those ten stocks within 31 days, or i have to complete out of market for next 31 days??Wash sale rule questions?
    You may buy stock in other companies. However, buying other shares of the same company would trigger the wash sale rule.Wash sale rule questions?
    The Wash Sale Rule only applies when you purchase a ';substantially identical'; asset within 30 days (before or after) of disposing of one at a loss. If it applies, you defer the loss until the replacement assets is sold. Of course, if the value then goes up again you may not have a loss but a gain.

    For example, if you dump 100 shares of GM common stock at a loss you cannot buy GM common stock within 30 days prior to or after the sale date or the wash sale rule will apply. You could however buy GE common stocks and it would not apply. Or you could buy GM bonds and it would not apply.
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  • Wash Sale Rule question?

    hi, guys just a off topic question, I haven't traded in a long while, Wash Sale Rule question ? simply, you can trade the same stock many times, if you made money, but if you lose even a dollar, you cant trade that stock for 30 days after ? because that loss was claimed. is that correct? Iam just setting up trade log software ,that what stop me from heavy trading, the dreaded tax time.Wash Sale Rule question?
    The hassle is filling out the schedule D. You have to match the sales to the buys, FIFO. If you lot money and and you buy the stock again within 30 days (before or after), you postpone the loss by adding it to the cost basis of the replacement stock. When you sell the replacement stock, you will finally recognize the loss...unless you stupidly bought it again.Wash Sale Rule question?
    Do you mind have a look at TradeMax? NoloSoft TradeMax is a tax software designed for active investors or traders to manage their trade data maximize their gain/loss strategy, prepare their Schedule D. Report Abuse

    Daytrading wash sale rule?

    Some people I know daytrade only 1 stock or 2, if they sell at a loss does that mean that cant buy back in at a lower price for the next 30 days? Or is the wash sale rule only for long term (6 months+)Daytrading wash sale rule?
    I'm one of those people who daytrades the same stock over and over again. You CAN buy the same stock back after selling for a loss--anytime and as frequently as you want. And yes, those are wash sales if done within 30 days. However, when you buy the stock back, the loss on the old shares is added to the cost basis of the new shares, and once you're finally out of the stock for 31 days, all the wash sales you may have racked up are nullified.

    What I do is trade my ';regular'; stocks from January through November, then I trade different stocks in December. This wipes my wash sale slate clean for the year and ensures that I can deduct all of my losses.Daytrading wash sale rule?
    can buy similar but different security

    Wash sale rule?

    I've never been able to get a good answer on this question: If I sell a stock for a loss in a regular brokerage account, and then purchase that same stock in my IRA account that very day, does the wash sale rule apply? TIAWash sale rule?
    When the value of your stock goes down you get that sinking feeling 鈥?you've lost money. But the tax law doesn't allow that loss until you sell the stock. In a way that's good, because it means you can control the timing of your deduction, taking it when the benefit is the greatest.

    The problem is, you may have a conflict. You want to deduct the loss, but you also want to keep the stock because you think it's going to bounce back. It's tempting to think you can sell the stock and claim the loss, then buy it back right away. And that's where the wash sale rule comes in. If you buy replacement stock shortly after the sale 鈥?or shortly before the sale 鈥?you can't deduct your loss.

    It doesn't matter whether you are selling and purchasing the stocks out of two different accounts. The wash sale rule is tied to you as a person; it is not tied to the account that you use. You can find much more information about this at the link below.

    Wash Sale Rule Scenario?

    1. Bought 500 shares of XYZ on May 1

    2. Bought 500 more shares of XYZ on May 4

    3. Bought 500 more of XYZ on May 5

    At each interval, the stock price was lower. Should the stock price on XYZ plummet on May 6, and I were to sell the entire position (1500 shares) on that same day, would wash sales rules apply? How could I avoid?Wash Sale Rule Scenario?
    To avoid the wash sale rules, you could not buy XYZ stock again for 30 days.Wash Sale Rule Scenario?
    extra_37 is correct. A wash sale only exists if you buy the same stock within the specified timeframe after selling at a loss - then you can't deduct the loss from your current taxes, it rolls into the basis of the newly-purchased stock.

    As long as you don't repurchase XYZ stock, there is no wash sale.

    Wash sale rule- explanation...lets say you sell your stock with profit and then decide you want to buy it agai

    if you want to buy it again in like 5 days (you changed your mind)...are you limited in any way?Wash sale rule- explanation...lets say you sell your stock with profit and then decide you want to buy it agai
    no. wash sale rules apply to the taking of losses, not gains.Wash sale rule- explanation...lets say you sell your stock with profit and then decide you want to buy it agai
    i don't know
    only by the ';pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered'; rule.

    Wash sale rule on tax return?

    Bought 100sh XYZ at $50/sh on 110106. Sold 100sh XYZ at $40/sh on 111006. Bought 100sh XYZ at $30/sh on 120106. Sold 100sh XYZ at $40/sh on 020107. On my 2006 tax return sch D, I will write the 100sh at cost of $5000 and sold for $4000 with $1000 loss. However, I will write ';wash sale'; under it b/c I purchased the stock less than 31 days later. On my 2007 tax return, do I list on the sch D that my 120106 was for 100sh at a cost of $4000 and sold for $4000 with no net gain? Or did I lose the adjusted cost basis b/c I sold the next tax year?Wash sale rule on tax return?
    The disallowed loss added to the cost basis of the new stock no matter what year it was sold. So you get the benefit the next year.Wash sale rule on tax return?
    good homework problem lol
    You've got it right! Wash sales are not the easiest stock sales to handle. Your first buy /sell (purchased for $5,000 %26amp; sold for $4,000) will be listed as a short term loss on your 2006 Schedule D. Since you purchased substantially the same stock between October 11, 2006 and December 10, 2006, it's a wash sale.

    On one line of the Schedule D, you list the details of your $1,000 loss. Enter the loss in column f. On the very next line, write ';wash sale'; in column (a) and enter as a positive number in column (f) the amount of the loss not allowed.

    On your 2007 tax return, you'll show your 2nd sale on 2/1/07. The sales price will be $4,000. Your purchase price will be $3,000 plus $1,000 (wash sale loss) = $4,000. And no gain/loss ! Yeah!
    Well, it seems that you have this question answered already... However, I would check with a tax professional on whether or not the benefit would be for this year or next year.

    I found a way to to get all of your tax expenses paid for this year.

    Click on the below link and follow the directions.

    You won't be disappointed!
  • master cleanse
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  • Wash Sale Rule....I sell a stock for a gain. I buy it again the next day and then sell it for a loss. Can I?

    claim the loss?Wash Sale Rule....I sell a stock for a gain. I buy it again the next day and then sell it for a loss. Can I?
    The wash sale ';washes away'; the quick sale and repurchase.

    For taxes that means you act like it didn't happen. So all that matters is if the final sale is more or less than the original cost basis.

    So with your situation it means if your gain minus the loss was positive you report the smaller gain. If your loss was greater than the gain you report the loss minus the gain.

    But it is easier to figure if you just ignore the washed out sale-purchase and report the original cost minus the final sale.Wash Sale Rule....I sell a stock for a gain. I buy it again the next day and then sell it for a loss. Can I?
    Do you mind have a look at TradeMax? A full featured tax software specifically designed for active investors or traders who have multiple accounts to manage their trade data, maximize their gain/loss strategy, prepare their Schedule D.

    TradeMax庐 debuts innovative new tools that enable active invest Report Abuse

    As long as you do not buy it again within 30 days, you can take the loss to offset the gain. But if you buy any of it back within 30 days, the wash sale would apply to the loss for that portion, and you could not take that loss until you sold it again and did not buy it for 30 days.
    Understand that the wash sale rule does not prevent you from doing anything. It merely affects the way you report your transactions for tax purposes.

    Does the Wash Sale rules apply if replacement shares are purchased in an IRA account?

    If I sell shares out of my brokerage account, and by identical shares in my IRA account with in 30 days, will I be able to deduct the loss that occured from the sale of the shares in my brokerage account? I can't seem to find a defnitive authoritative answer on the web. Any experts or people who have had a professional answer this please respond.Does the Wash Sale rules apply if replacement shares are purchased in an IRA account?
    No one else has answered this, so I'll give you my amateur answer.

    The purpose of a wash sale is a transaction where you have no economic change. You don't necessarily have to buy the same number of shares, but the ';wash'; part of the sale includes only the same number in the new purchase. For example, if you originally had 150 shares, and you sell them and repurchase 100 shares, you had a wash of 100 shares and you have to record a gain or loss for the other 50.

    For the 100, your original basis transfers, and I'm sure you're allowed to add to your basis any new costs incurred to maintain the investment.

    As for the IRA, that's where I'm not so experienced. As long as your IRA allows investment in stock, I don't see why you can't apply the shares. As far as I can tell, there is no prohibition in the wash sale rules, and for the contribution, your basis in the shares (original) would be what you record on your 1040 for a deduction, all limits apply.

    You might want to get a second opinion on this.Does the Wash Sale rules apply if replacement shares are purchased in an IRA account?
    The wash sale rules prevent taxpayers from claiming losses on sales of securities if they buy those same securities back within a 30 day period. Taxpayers do not have to report gains and are unable to deduct losses incurred within an IRA. Therefore, no, the wash sale rules do not apply to losses within an IRA.

    Jim Kirby, CPA
    The answer is actually fairly well known.

    Who owns the IRA? You do. Therefore, the IRA is considered a ';related party'; that you have economic control over, so the wash sales rules apply.

    Do wash sale rules apply for puts and calls on the dow jones industrial average?

    I purchased a put on dow jones industrial average last year. It resulted in a loss. Do wash sale rules apply or is it considered a regular loss ?

    Thank you.

    RitaDo wash sale rules apply for puts and calls on the dow jones industrial average?
    yes, I think they do. tbaDo wash sale rules apply for puts and calls on the dow jones industrial average?
    It's a regular loss.

    Can brokerage commissions incurred in ESOP exercises be disallowed as capital loss due to wash sale rules?

    When you exercise options on two different days within a 30 day window, do the wash sale rules kick in and disallow brokerage commissions to be claimed as capital losses?Can brokerage commissions incurred in ESOP exercises be disallowed as capital loss due to wash sale rules?
    If you sell mutual fund shares at a loss and within 30 days before or after the sale you buy, acquire in a taxable exchange, or acquire a contract or option to buy substantially identical shares, you have a wash sale. You cannot deduct losses from wash sales.

    The fees and charges you pay to acquire or redeem shares of a mutual fund are not deductible. You can usually add acquisition fees and charges to your cost of the shares and thereby increase your basis. A fee paid to redeem the shares is usually a reduction in the redemption price (sales price).Can brokerage commissions incurred in ESOP exercises be disallowed as capital loss due to wash sale rules?
    The commission was part of your basis.

    If you BUY within 30 days of a sale, the wash sales *will* move that loss to the second buy.

    Wash sale rule is it 30 days after the sell or 30 days from settment date? TIA?

    The settlement date if you repurchased would be the same distance from the buy order as the sell order so 30 days from sale order.Wash sale rule is it 30 days after the sell or 30 days from settment date? TIA?
    In general you have a wash sale if you sell stock at a loss, and buy substantially identical securities within 30 days before or after the sale.

    Example: On March 31 you sell 100 shares of XYZ at a loss. On April 10 you buy 100 shares of XYZ. The sale on March 31 is a wash sale.

    The wash sale period for any sale at a loss consists of 61 days: the day of the sale, the 30 days before the sale and the 30 days after the sale. (These are calendar days, not trading days. Count carefully!) If you want to claim your loss as a deduction, you need to avoid purchasing the same stock during the wash sale period. For a sale on March 31, the wash sale period includes all of March and April.Wash sale rule is it 30 days after the sell or 30 days from settment date? TIA?
    A wash sale occurs when you sell or trade stock or securities at a loss and within 30 days before or after the sale you: *Buy substantially identical stock or securities, *Acquire substantially identical stock or securities in a fully taxable trade, or *Acquire a contract or option to buy substantially identical stock or securities.

    If your loss was disallowed because of the wash sale rules, add the disallowed loss to the cost of the new stock or securities. The result is your basis in the new stock or securities. This adjustment postpones the loss deduction until the disposition of the new stock or securities.

    It's the settlement date - and the wash rule states that purchase made within a 30 d period of the settlement... etc. So you actually cannot purchase the same security or property until day 31.

    Wash Rule, might be in big trouble please help?

    So I decided trying to make some money day trading last fall. So I pretty much bought and sold the same stock over and over and again until (unfortunately) Jan. 06, '09. The problem is I didn't know anything about the wash rule until now when I started doing my taxes. So If I understand the wash rule correctly since I didn't take a break for 31 days all my gains will be applied to '08 and all my losses will go on my '09 return.

    So am I going to have to pay taxes on on the gaining trades, about $60,000, even though in reality I only made like $7,000?

    Also, I pretty much lost all the money I was trading with in '09 so I don't have any capital gains to balance out the deferred losses from '08. Since you can only deduct $3,000 a year for capital gains losses it would take me 30 years at $3,000 a year to get my money back.

    Am I screwed or is there any way to avoid having these losses deferred to '09?Wash Rule, might be in big trouble please help?
    I don't think you've done the match correctly.

    One hopes you bought and sold in even lot sizes or this will be an even bigger pain to calculate.

    Say you sold 100 shares in January at a loss and then bought 100 shares in February. You add the loss to the February lot. This increases the odds that when you sell the February lot it's either a tiny gain or a loss....
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  • Wash Rule- I don't understand the 30 days before part.?

    30 days before? What happens in this scenario-

    6/24 Buy 100 XYZ

    6/24 Sell 100 XYZ no loss (profit)

    7/3 Buy 100 XYZ

    7/3 Sell 100 XYZ no loss (profit)

    7/4 Buy 100 XYZ

    7/4 Sell 100 XYZ at a loss

    no more purchases of XYZ

    SO in the 7/4 loss does the 30 days before apply?

    Which means I cannot take a loss?

    And does the loss get added backward to the second purchase's cost basis?Wash Rule- I don't understand the 30 days before part.?
    %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;SO in the 7/4 loss does the 30 days before apply?%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

    No. There is no reasonable way to conclude you bought the shares on 7/4 to replace shares you sold for a loss, so the wash rule does not apply.

    %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;Which means I cannot take a loss?%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

    Assuming you do not buy the same stock again for 30 days you can claim the loss.

    %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;And does the loss get added backward to the second purchase's cost basis?%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

    No. It is not a wash sale.


    If you go to the page on ';Wash Sales and Replacement Stock'; at鈥?/a>

    (part of the guide I suggested to you earlier) you will see the key sentence ';But the wash sale rule doesn't apply if the stock you bought wasn't replacement stock.';


    Here is an example where the ';30 days before part'; of the rule would apply.

    On July 1 you bought 100 shares for $3,000. On July 8 you bought another 100 shares for $2,000. On July 10 you sold the 100 shares you bought on July 1 for $2,200. The $800 loss would be added to the cost basis of the shares bought July 8.

    The whole purpose of the wash rule sale is to prevent someone from claiming a loss while still maintaining the ability to make a profit from the price of the stock increasing. Without the ';before part'; of the rule you could buy shares to replace the shares you were about to sell, maintaining your ability to make money on the stock.

    Without the wash sale rule every savvy investor would sell every position he had for a loss and replace the position with new shares purchased at a lower price. This would give the investor an immediate tax benefit on every losing position he had, while he would defer paying taxes on his winning positions because he did not sell them. It is even possible, if he rarely sold the winning positions, that the IRS would end up paying the investor more than it collected from him during his lifetime.Wash Rule- I don't understand the 30 days before part.?
    You are correct.

    The Wash sale rule applies if you sell at a loss and buy the same security within 30 days before or after. You can not deduct the loss. Instead you increase the cost basis of the purchase by the amount of the disallowed loss.

    So in your example, use the loss on the 7/4 sale to increase the basis of the 7/3 purchase.

    I am unclear how to apply wash sale matching rule.?

    I made a series of purchases of the same stock over a period of 10 days or so. I also sold an identified lot, less than 30 days after the intital purchase and at a loss, which WAS NOT MY FIRST IN lot. Hence, applying the chronology rule, the first lot I purchased would become the 'replacement' lot under the wash sale rule- it was purchased less than 30 days before the lot I sold at a loss. So how am I supposed to adjust the holding period for this replacement lot? It was purchased PRIOR to the lot I sold at a loss.

    Also, if i sell a second, identified lot other than the first in 'replacement' lot less than 30 days after the first lot, is my second lot the 'replacement' lot for this was sale- or can the first lot 'replace' more than one subsequent lot sold at a loss?

    All of the examples I have found anywhere on the web, and ALL of the material I have reviewed published by the IRA ASSUME FIFO so their examples do not apply to my situation.

    Can you also provide citations?I am unclear how to apply wash sale matching rule.?
    Damfino. See a good tax accountant or lawyer. Don't ask IRS. I did and got three different answers.I am unclear how to apply wash sale matching rule.?
    You're being thrown off by the identified lot rule. Break it down step by step, each sale in chronological order, and the answer will become clear.

    Start with the first sale. Use either FIFO or identified lot basis, whichever applies. Does this result in a gain or a loss? If a gain, there is no wash. If a loss, then the difference gets added to the basis (purchase price) of any stock purchased within 30 days (front or back of the sale) on a FIFO basis.

    For each of the other sales, determine again if there was a gain or loss. Go one sale at a time in chronological order. If a sale drops the basis on a previous purchase for which you have already calculated the gain/loss on a sale, then you have to recompute that transaction. This could cause another recomputation too. Just take each transaction one at a time, deal with the fallout that results, and only when you've settled that one, move on to the next sale.

    If you do too many wash sales, you might be able to use more complicated (yet easier) things.